Vancouver Boulevard Chinese Magazine is a west coast luxury lifestyle magazine serving the Chinese-speaking communities of Metro Vancouver. With 11 issues annually, plus our semi-annual “Indulge” guide, Boulevard features the latest trends in home decor, high fashion, travel, real estate, arts, entertainment, food and drink, and more. Boulevard’s Vancouver publication was established in January 2014 as an expansion of our English sister magazine Victoria Boulevard located on Vancouver Island.
Vancouver Boulevard is a free publication offered to our readers in both print and online. Boulevard is owned and operated by Black Press Community Media and publishes 20,000 copies that is distributed the first week of each month at various drop points throughout Vancouver, Richmond, Tri-City, Burnaby and North/West Vancouver. For more information on delivery zones please visit our distribution page.
《Boulevard》是服务于大温华人社区的高端生活类杂志,每年出版11期,再加上每半年一期的《Indulge》指南,将家居装潢、时尚、旅游、房产、汽车等众多领域的最新潮流一网打尽。《Boulevard》杂志由Black Press Community Media集团拥有并经营,每期印刷2万册,于每月第一周发行到各个网点。
Meet Our Vancouver Boulevard Staff:
Mario Gedicke – Group Publisher
Tel: 250 891 5627
He has extensive international business development knowledge and experience, and a history of introducing new products into the marketplaces via numerous media vehicles. His Boulevard Magazine has been recognized as a staple in the BC’s community, and he plans to continue to highlight the Vancouver, Victoria & the Okanagan and its lifestyle in various beautiful ways.
Mario works with his staff as part of a team, hiring people for their experience and knowledge and trust them 100%. It allows them to be creative and flexible. He says he has learned that it is important to let your staff fly and make mistakes, that way everyone learns. He says he has embraced the word team: Together Everyone Achieves More.
In terms of volunteerism and community service, at Boulevard they give back to the community and donate to a wide range of non-profit organizations. It gives support on advertising but also give numerous items that can be raffled off at auctions or fundraisers.
Bowen Zhang – Managing Editor
Bowen Zhang 資深跨媒體人,Jack Webster新聞獎獲得者,OMNI TV 國語新聞主播。20多年電視新聞經驗,主創的專題節目屢獲獎項;兼顧電臺主持,雜誌專欄,客串電影,紀錄片配音;享受閲讀,旅遊,時尚,藝術和大自然,並活躍於社區,為慈善籌款活動擔任司儀,回饋社會。
Marilou Pasion – Distribution Manager
Marilou Pasion, Regional Circulation Manager, has worked for Black Press since 1990. A graduate of the University of British Columbia and a long time resident of Richmond BC, Marilou has served every Black Press community in the Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island throughout her 30 year tenure. At Boulevard Magazine, Marilou coordinates our monthly distribution to strategic drop points throughout the Lower Mainland.
Marilou Pasion自1990年起在Black Press工作,现为区域发行经理。Marilou毕业于UBC大学,长期居住于列治文,在30年的工作生涯中服务于低陆平原和温哥华岛的所有Black Press社区。Marilou负责协调Boulevard杂志在低陆平原的发行网点。